The New HOLP Blog
It's true. I'm the world's worst blogger.
I (Shanna) have been in this business with Michael for nearly 6 years. I've written maybe 12 blog posts? That's two a year. That's about to change because my new pretty website needs to stay pretty and to do that, I need new content All. The. Time.
So hello. I'm Shanna.
It's true. I'm the world's worst blogger.
I (Shanna) have been in this business with Michael for nearly 6 years. I've written maybe 12 blog posts? That's two a year. That's about to change because my new pretty website needs to stay pretty and to do that, I need new content All. The. Time.
So hello. I'm Shanna.
Fun (maybe) facts about me:
- I got my first camera from Service Merchandise, as a Confirmation gift from my parents. They were not sure what to get me, so they told the salesperson to get the best one. :) I'm a lucky girl. From age 13, I learned to shoot with an SLR film camera, which made it super easy to learn digital cameras. I have a collection of antique, rare film cameras, as well as four workable and modern ones that I utilize often, especially in my home life.
- I met Mike at 19 and on our third date, I told him that "while I know it's not normal to say this, I have a feeling we'll last forever." It hasn't been forever yet, but it has indeed been thirteen wonderful years.
- I am a mother to twin boys, but only one survived pregnancy. Samuel, our lively, fun and super duper brilliant seven year old, was born 13.5 weeks early, at only 2 pounds 4 ounces. He was born 7.5 weeks after I delivered his twin brother, who died in utero. It's a tragic story, but one we know was not ours to write. The loss of Mateus taught us so much, we wouldn't be the parents we are without his memory.
- I can name every country in Europe in less than a minute.
- I love to play blackjack and for Christmas, my darling husband got me a card shuffler and six decks of cards to make it easier to play at home.
- My mother is truly my best friend. My brother's wife is my Confirmation sponsor, was my matron of honor and is also my best friend. My cousins whom I spent day in and day out with throughout childhood are my best friends. My life is surrounded by the closest and lovingest family and I am so very blessed to have such a strong support system in my life.
- I love Hamilton.
- Growing up, I wanted to be a singer. Also, I dreamed of being a royal princess. I also wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to be a wedding planner. (I would grocery shop with my dad because he would let me buy bridal magazines starting at the age of 10. I'd cut images out and make scrapbooks about dream weddings.) But mostly I wanted to be a storyteller. I wrote about a dozen novels when I was a young teenager (historical based fiction (by historical, I mean royalty)). It's natural that since I've always been so in love with stories and romance that I would want to be involved in documenting weddings. DREAM JOB!
- My favorite color is brown.
- I'm a soccer mom and about to become a baseball Mom too.
Here are a few pictures I love, whether taken with a camera or a selfie.
We're the Lubolds.
We both love...
Documentaries, Coca-cola, shopping, cancelled shows like Downton Abbey and the Newsroom, spending time with our son, niece and nephew, going to Disney World, laughing together, podcasts, eating good food.
Shanna loves...
to shop, hang out with her mom, read books like a boss, decorate, and dance around the house, alone or with a partner.
Mike loves...
to golf, watch sports, bake cookies and cakes from scratch, the occasional cigar and hanging out with his mother-in-law. No, really. He does.
Sam loves...
Legos, his cousins, soccer, Portugal, Minecraft, Benfica, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, Julian Edelman and the Boston Red Sox. He has a love of nice clothes and comfortable shoes. He does a killer British accent. He enjoys spending time with his Avó and absolutely adores playing with Daddy. His first love is his Mom, and she can make everything better with a hug and kiss.